[SH] Ovaj blog je namenjen svim muzealcima, profesionalcima, dizajnerima, arhitektama i ostalim stručnjacima koji se bave postavkama, ne samo u muzejima nego i galerijama. Namera nam je da uspostavimo platformu za razmenu ideja, iskustava i znanja, kako bi unapredili zajednički posao oko postavki. Nekako nam se učinilo da je došlo vreme da saradnju prošrimo van muzeja, na fakultet, u dizajn studije koji se aktivno bave problematikom muzeologije i estetike prezentacije, i dopremo do što šireg kruga kako bi se međusobno edukovali i profesionalno napredovali . Autori, blogeri, su renomirani muzealci, dizajneri, arhitekte, istoričari i teoretičari. Ako imate želju da nam se priključite, da pišete, aktivno učestvujete u radu ili želite da predstavite svoj projekat, slobodno nam se obratite. Podele na ljude iz muzeja i one van, na studenta i iskusne, na …. nisu više model komunikacije. Tim, grupa, zajedno su pojmovi koji nas vode višim postignućima, boljim rezultatima, većem broju publike, kritike. Zato vas zovemo sve u ekipu! ExDes tim. [en]This blog is dedicated to all museum workers, professionals, designers, architects and other professionals who deal with exhibition design, not only in museums but also in galleries. Our intention is to establish a platform for exchange of ideas, experience and knowledge to advance the joint work of the designs. Somehow we thought it was time to expand the cooperation from the museums to college, designers and architects who are actively engaged in the issues of museology and aesthetic presentation, and reach out to a wider circle to educate each other and attain professional progress. The authors, bloggers, are renowned museum experts, designers, architects, historians and theorists. If you wish to join us, to share experience, to actively participate in the work or you want to present your project, please contact us. The divisions on the people of the museum and those outside of it, to the students and experienced ones and so on …. are no more communication model. Tim, the group, unity are the concepts that lead to higher achievement, better results, a larger number of audiences, cutting edge solutions. Therefore, we call invite you all to join the team! ExDes team.